Hey, y'all;
Got great feedback from the Storology post, including this one:
This is John from King Gardens. Thanks for storology 101--good info for folks who are used to veggies lasting like Twinkies because of preservative sprays. Now that you've established yourself as an authority, any suggestions on what to do with the wheel borrow load of cucumbers I just picked?? Would send you a picture if I could figure out how to attach it. Some of them are destined for our CSA dinner tomorrow night. Our subscribers will get a full array of veggies, plus pesto cheese cake, Christy's bread, and possible a beverage or two. Will definitely schedule around your availability next year! Thanks much for doing this blog!
Well, shoot, BIG thanks, first and foremost, John; it is my pleasure, believe me! And it would be a gas to do some live stuff next year, count on us bein' there, for sure!
OK, well, THE number one way to preserve Cukes is... Pickles of course! If you can do pickles, you MUST do 'em, 'cause we all know there's nothin' better. In fact, pickin' my tiny brain, I cannot think of any other long-term preservation scheme other/better than pickles, so... Pickles it IS!! I don't know about y'all, but we LOVE 'em; our fridge always contains 4 or 5 varieties and often more; garlic dills, sweet, sweet & sour, hot, etc, etc - So I say if you're blessed with the best rough stock there is, make 'em happen!!
As for fresh stuff for the CSA dinner, consider the following:
Cucumber/Tomato/Basil salad: 1 to 1 to 1/2, w/ balsamic vinaigrette.
Cucumber Salad: Just cukes, onions, a little parsley or cilantro, oil & vinegar.
Fresh Cuke Pico: Add tomatoes, onions, peppers, chiles and...
Cuke-Mango Salsa: 3 to 1 Mango to Cuke, add jalapeno, onion, cilantro, garlic, lime juice, salt and pepper...
Cuke salad: 5 parts cukes, 1 part onion and bell peppers, salt, pepper, olive oil & vinegar to taste.
Bet some or all of those would float yer boats, eh?
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