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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Checking in with the Squeedunks

This just in from Christie and Grant, (AKA Neighborhood Gardens), in scenic Hackensack, MN:

Hi Big E (and the Delightful M)!

Sounds like you are having good fun in the Northwest. This is just a question about the blog. Is there any way you can develop an index of recipes and topics, such as: cruising through for M's crisp recipe. Of course, that did mean I found a number of other things I was meaning to try out, etc., so that ain't all bad, but...

Have been busy transplanting; yup, have the peppers, eggplants, toms, etc. going and in a couple weeks we will heat the greenhouse and move them to bigger quarters. If you are in the NW, Texas, or probably anywhere else in the US this might not be news, but up here it is!

C and G Up North

Well my friends, yes we ARE! M just shines around the kids and Grandbaby; wonderful to see her so happy, also instructive for moi...

As for the blog, the answer is a BIG yes! Am actively creating the next generation of this here thing: The next generation will feature enhanced search functions, databases for recipes, herbs and seasonings, technique and basics, and some other cool stuff as well - Not sure how long it will take me, but I'm on it and working diligently, so not too long - Stay tuned and thanks for the update!

Oh, and as for those far northern starts, how about a few pics for the blog?

E & M, from northwest Washington State, where it's raining, gray and cold, (Imagine that!)

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